For Residents
House Numbers
- All Residents are reminded that house numbers are required, specifically for emergency services response.
- Please make sure that your home is appropriately numbered and that the numbers are at least 3 inches in height and visible from the street.
Public Transportation
Cecil Transit provides scheduled demand service to the Town of Chesapeake City on the first Wednesday of each month. For more information, please download the document below or contact Town Hall.
Water & Sewer Information
Water and Sewer Emergencies
In case of an emergency (such as a water or sewer main break), contact:
- During business hours call Town Hall at 410-885-5298
- After business hours contact Mayor Rich Taylor at 443-553-4129
- Town Maintenance AFTER above options are tried Jeff Ritter, Sr. Maintenance, 443-309-0697
Water Quality
Artesian Water Company provides the town with water. For water quality issues (taste, color, odor, etc.) contact Artesian at 302.453.6922. The most recent Water Quality Report can be found on the Home Page under News and Notices.
If you experience a problem with the color, odor, or taste of your water please take a sample in a clean plastic container and IMMEDIATELY place it in your refrigerator.
Animal Care & Control
Animal Complaint Procedures
The Town of Chesapeake City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Cecil County Government that established the County as the provider of animal care and control services within the Town’s corporate municipal limits. In addition, the Town adopted the County’s Animal Care and Control Ordinance (can be viewed/downloaded at as required under the MOU. Thus, all questions, concerns, and complaints about animal care and control should be directed to Cecil County Animal Services at:
Phone: (410) 441-2040
Mailing Address: 3280 Augustine Herman Hwy
Chesapeake City, MD 21915
Dogs running-at-large and owners not picking up their animal’s waste on public and private property are ongoing problems in town. If you have witnessed one of these violations or any other violation of the Animal Care and Control Ordinance, please complete the complaint form found on Cecil County Animal Services website via the following link:
Please note that it is extremely helpful if you obtain a photograph of the violation (i.e.: loose or nuisance dog violation) and attach the photo with the complaint indicating the date and time of the violation. A photo of the residence where you believe the owner lives is also helpful for the investigation. Completed application forms can be emailed, mailed, or dropped off at Cecil County Animal Services or at Chesapeake City Town Hall (108 Bohemia Ave.) and we can forward the complaint form to Animal Services.
Special note: If the complaint is an emergency in nature, please call 911. Examples of emergency situations include, but are not limited to, a severe dog bite to a human, an aggressive dog at large that poses a threat to public safety or other domestic animals, animal abuse or neglected animals that need emergency attention.
Trash / Recycling / Yard Waste
Schedule for Residential and Commercial Properties
Corey Sanitation Solutions
Monday: regular trash pickup
Tuesday: yard waste pickup
Wednesday: single stream recycling (your own container)
Please have containers in the designated pick-up area by 7:00 a.m
Bulk Pick-Up
To schedule a Bulk Pick-up or for any questions or concerns, please contact Corey Sanitation Solutions at or 410-450-4000.
Recycling and Trash Guidelines
Trash Pick-up is every Monday, please have your Trash can at your designated pickup area by 7:00 AM.
Recycling Pick-up is every Wednesday, please have your Recycling can at your designated pickup area by 7:00 AM.
Holidays: Corey SS will pick up the day after the normally scheduled day when pickup falls on a holiday, unless notified other. Holidays include: Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, New Years Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of inclement weather, Corey SS reserves the right to temporarily suspend services. If service is suspended due to inclement weather, residential customers will be serviced on the next scheduled pickup day.
Yard Waste Pickup Guidelines
Yard Waste Pick-up is every Tuesday, please have your Yard Waste at your designated pickup area by 7:00 AM
Yard waste collection shall be seasonal with the season running March through mid-December. ONLY Christmas trees will be picked-up on Mondays in January.
For example, leaves, branches, and cut grass.
YARD WASTE MUST BE BAGGED (in a paper bag),
BUNDLED (no bigger than 4’x’4), or CANNED!
For more details, see below:
- No more than 10 bags per household per pick up day. Any bags over the 10 bag limit will be picked up on the next regularly scheduled pick up day.
- All waste must be biodegradable only. The town is only authorized to discard this type of waste.
- Tree and shrub limbs must be bundled and tied in 4 ft sections or shorter, also not to exceed 30 lbs.
Delmarva Power Reminds Customers to Call Before Digging
Know What’s Below; Call Before You Dig
Staying away from underground utility lines is as easy as 8-1-1. That is the underground utility locating service number to call before you put a shovel into the ground.
Whether you are putting in shrubbery or installing a fence, deck or mailbox, you should call 8-1-1 before each job in order to prevent damage to underground electric and gas lines, avoid fines and repair costs, and keep you, your family and neighbors safe. By law, the underground utility locating service must be called at least two days in advance of any work you plan to do.
“The underground utility locating service is free, and simply calling 8-1-1 will bring someone to your home or business to mark all underground utilities so you will be able to dig safely,” said Gary Stockbridge, Delmarva Power region president. “Calling 8-1-1 before digging will help you avoid fines and disgruntled neighbors if a hit line cuts off electric or gas service. But, more importantly, knowing where it’s safe to dig will avoid an accident that could result in injury or death.”
Be smart, dig safely and call 8-1-1 before you dig.
Find additional information about Delmarva Power by visiting, on Facebook at and on Twitter at Their mobile app is available at
Tax & Financial Information
.5300¢ per $100 of the assessed value of the property (2022-23 tax year). Property taxes are collected by the Cecil County Treasurer’s Office.
Please see this Resolution for all Rates. Note – this is a scanned pdf document containing signatures. If you would like a clean copy without signatures (for example, to use with a screen reading device) please contact the Chesapeake City offices.
The Above rates are in addition to the BRF. The State of Maryland has passed Senate Bill 320 which raises the BRF (Bay Restoration Fee) to $15.00 per quarter, per unit. For more information go to
The above modified Water and Sewer rates shall become effective with the commencement of the 3rd billing quarter in FY 2013.